

For students in 6-12th grade, our student ministry strives to create authentic environments where students connect their lives to the bigger story of God. From the loud music to the crazy games, the mission trips, to life-changing weeks of camp, everything we do is about teaching this generation to love Jesus and to go, grow, and multiply in his name!

Weekly Programs

Every Wednesday night, middle and high school students join us for Hebron Students, where we grow together through worship, fun and games, and Biblical discipleship.
Wednesdays 7-8:30pm 

Sunday Bible Study - Jr. High
Want to know more about the Bible? Middle school students join us in the Student Center every Sunday morning to play games, study scripture, and deepen our walk with Jesus, together.
Sundays 9:00 am and 10:30 am


Thursdays in February, March & April
5:30 - 7 pm
High school students are invited to come join us on Thursday evenings during the school year at The Table to have an open-ended conversation about some of the most challenging or compelling topics found in scripture.